If you are searching for replacement chips for older synthesizers and samplers, please check here and
drop me a note.
Also, feel free to contact me if you need to get your music machines repaired.
Searching for electronic music? Just check out the following:
DigIT Studios / MEMI
Here you can get the famous hiddentreasures CDs from
the MEMI contests 1997 to 1999 as well as other publications from the DigIT
artists. Yes, one of them even contains a track done by me ;)
Spheric Music
If you are interested in Electronic Music of the Berlin School style
try out Spheric Music's range of products.
For the lawyers: The above two pages are not part of my web presence. I can and will therefore take no responsibility for any content found there.
Articles written by me
Here you find articles I wrote for several magazines, mainly MEMI, the Magazine for Electronic Music on the
Internet, GO64!. and Lotek64.
Ensoniq Heaven
Since Ensoniq refused to give any internal hardware information for
the ancient Ensoniq synthesizers, I decided to do a bit of reverse engineering.
I wonder how many people are as mad as me and buy defective
machines... In case you are in the same situation (or if your FZ-1 just
shows up some abnormal behavior) have a look at this section.
Korg Zone
Since the 1980s, the Korg DSS-1 was on my wishlist. Having grown somewhat older, I finally managed to score one. If you're searching for alternatives to CQM disk dump transfer or just technical information, have a look.
Yamaha District
It all started with an SY77 for me, later to be accompanied by a TX16 and EX-5. As time allows, I'll put up bits and pieces about these machines here. Right now, only SY77 content, though.
Physiotherapie Oberderdingen
My wife's business. Highly recommended!
Research page
If you are interested in my research activities. It is a bit outdated right now, but will be updated as time allows.
MEMI, the Magazine for Electronic Music on the Internet, once was among
Germany's biggest online resources for electronic music. Dedicated to
listeners as well as makers of electronic music. Somewhat dormant these days.