You are almost guaranteed to recognize every sound on this track! East meets west and old meets new? The real name of this Asian-inspired take on Pachelbel's Canon in D Major should be "The Tape Saturator". There is literally no headroom for a decent analog tape mix! (my bad--I'd need to EQ each track if this went to cassette). My self-imposed limitation was to center the arrangement around bell and string instruments ONLY. Those bowed voices count as strings, right? Listeners will spot the Beatles "Let It Be" homage in the transition from the Asian section to the canon's figured bass. This musical "fulcrum" reflects George Harrison's idea of blending ideas from world music. Stereo separation and panning are all provided via the patch LFO routings. NO PANPOTS! Recorded at Jekyll Island (Home Studio), Melbourne Florida --------------------------------------- Hardware: SQ80, ESQ1, ESQm (1 each, overflow mode=24 voices max.), SQ80 internal sequencer Recorder: Sonar 3 via firewire audioport as 24/96 (Listen for bad cable in octopus!) Reverb: Super Impulse Response convolution processor (2 passes to preserve stereo image with minor post-reverb phasing correction) Rough mix mastered by Endorphin (the basis of this MP3) (C) 2005 Mark Wynkoop